True social feed - what's the global secret?

True social feed - what's the global secret?

Leslie Clarke and yours truly discuss ‘the true social feed’

  • What components are there to make it as narcotic as it is?

  • How has it changed the fundamentals in society (hint: people suddenly spending + 2 hours a day there, day in and day out)

  • How can you use it yourself?

  • What are the ethics involved?

  • Discussion about tools such as #slack, Whatsapp, Facebook, Mighty Network, forums and blogs - which ones have a true social feed? Consequence?

Why this podcast?

  • A LOT of us are looking at tools for passion businesses or just plain communities

  • You can run a community with - or without - a true social feed. Ideally you should make the choice based on insight. E.g highly engaged nerds (like me) might be fine running a community without a true social feed, like a slack community. But a more loosely built community - like a passion community or a community of practise - might be better of with the more visual social feed

  • Arguably the true social feed has changed humanity - society, democracy, families, the fundaments of marketing, the attention and health of almost all of humanity. So well, it needs to be discussed 🤷‍♂️


haaartland (where I am a co-founder) is built around a true social feed thinking, so there is a bit of pushing for the social feed in the pod, sorry about that 😬

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My 10 cents about community building, democratisation of capitalism and platforms